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+90 312 386 11 83

About Us



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About us

ALTERNATIF POWER has been working on the fields of energy, petrol, and geothermal power Since 2002 signed agreement with GUASCOR POWER for sole distribution of power generating sets for the region of Middle East, mainly Türkiye, Iran, Northern Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan

ALTERNATIF POWER provide the highest quality and most efficient Guascor Gas Engines  genset working on natural gas, biogas, syngas, and dual fuel (diesel and gas) for distributed electricity power plants, cogeneration and trigeneration systems, for industry, hotels, hospitals, living settlements, shopping malls, airports, as well as for wastewater treatement plant s landfill sites, and agricultural biogas plants.

ALTERNATIF POWER offers SGT-50 2MW Siemens Energy GAS turbine operating with gas fuels, suitable for CHP project design as well

We provide continuous monitoring of our gensets 24 h technical service and also we guarantee delivery of original spare parts for all our gensets

Beside the installation of gas engines, ALTERNATIF POWER® provide design and installation of cogeneration and trigeneration power plants, as well as the turn key Waste to Energy projects like Biogas Power Plants for animal manure organic wastes and power plants for municipal landfill sites.

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